My Memory of House Northbrook

Northbrook in 1980. Ian Whitcher demolished the structure, which had become unsafe due to age and neglect; it was also 113 years old at the time of demolition.

One day around the year 1972 while exploring the area, myself, my brother, a friend or two, and our dog happened upon House Northbrook and could see that is was probably abandoned. We decided to explore. At first we entered a shed next to the mansion, then we entered the house. It was full of wool bales or perhaps hay bales on the ground floor. We contemplated going up to the second storey and jumping onto the bales, but thought that it might be a bit dangerous, so we decided against it.

Before long, an adult entered the house and he was very angry at us kids for being in the old house. In hindsight, it was probably not very safe to be there. He took our dog and said he would tie the dog up and if we wanted to get the dog back, we would have to return with our parents. As we walked home, we were depressed knowing that we would be in a lot of trouble with our dad. Dragging our heels toward home while on Whitcher Grove, our dog suddenly came bounding down the road toward us and had a piece of string / rope tied to her collar. She had managed to chew through the rope. As you can imagine, we were super happy and headed for home.


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