Obituary – Mr John Sinclair
The death occurred here yesterday of Mr John Sinclair, at the age of eighty-one years. Deceased was born in Wellington and was a son of Mr Hugh Sinclair, who came from Australia in a ketch to make arrangements for the first immigrants who landed in Wellington. The late Mr John Sinclair lived at Lower Hutt for many years and was associated with his family in farming and sawmilling operations. Later he moved to Stratford, and about ten years ago came to Tauranga, where he had since resided. He was held in high esteem by all who knew him. He is survived by his widow and one son and three daughters. The son is Mr Douglas Sinclair (Te Aroha) and the daughters are Mrs Walter Chambers (Opunake), Mrs Walter Peek (Taumaranui) and Mrs Percy Worthington (Helensville). The funeral took place this afternoon, the service at the graveside being conducted by the Rev J. W. Smyth.
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