City Council
The Wainuiomata Waterworks Committee presented the following report:- The Committee beg to report
[1] that a claim for compensation on account of the strip of land taken for the water-race, under proclamation of 17th May 1881, has been preferred by Mr Barnard, one of the mortgagees in the estate of Messrs J. and D. Sinclair, in regard to which claim the City Solicitor has, in writing, undertaken to indemnify the Council against loss or damage, but recommends that the Council waive all claims to the rails which have been laid down on the said piece of land by the Messrs Sinclair.
[2] that offers of certain portions of the watershed, on certain terms, have been made by Mr A. E. Russell and Messrs Johnston and Co., representing other mortgagees in the estate, and the Committee recommend that the members of the Council visit the locality and make themselves thoroughly acquainted with the topographical features of the country before coming to any conclusion.
[3] that Mr A. E. Russell has extended the time for which his offer holds good to the 17th instant. On the motion of the Mayor, as Chairman of the Committee, the report was adopted.
Tags: Land Newspaper Sinclair Tramways Water Race Waterworks