Evening Post 04 Mar 1881

Wellington City Council – Wainui-o-mata Water Works Extension – To Contractors

Tenders for the following works will be received at the office of the undersigned up to 4 p.m. of Thursday, the 10th instant:- 1st – Laying 24-inch water mains from road leading from Hutt Race-course to foot of hill at Waiwetu (about 70 chains), and building a small bridge over the Waiwetu stream. 2nd – Laying 30- inch water mains between Black Creek and the Long Tunnel (about 140 chains) in the Wainui-o-mata Valley. Plans, &c., may be seen at the office of the City Surveyor. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Charles C. Graham, Town Clerk. 3rd March 1881.


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