Important to Sheep Farmers, Agriculturalists, Dairymen, Carters, and Others.
Absolute Unreserved Sale of Pure-bred Stock &c. In the Assigned Estate of J. and D. Sinclair, Sheep Farmers and Sawmill Proprietors.
At the Homestead, Wainuiomata on Thursday, 11th January 1883, at 1.30 o’clock p.m. sharp.
T. Kennedy Macdonald & Co. are favoured with instructions from the Trustees in the assigned estate of Messrs J. and D. Sinclair, to sell by public auction as above, the whole of the undermentioned valuable stock:
Cattle: Pure-bred pedigree shorthorn road bull, “Merchant,” No.201, bred by Mr. John Grigg, Longbeach, calved 9th December 1878; Pure-bred pedigree shorthorn red and white bull “Guy Lad” bred as above, calved 27 October 1879; Pure-bred pedigree shorthorn strawberry cow “Countess o’May” with calf at side, by bull “Merchant,” No.201; cost £45; Pure-bred pedigree shorthorn red cow, “Fifth Queen o’May,” in calf, by bull “Merchant,” No.201; cost £42 10s; Pure-bred pedigree shorthorn red cow “Third Princess o’May” cost £35.
The above high-class pedigree pure-bred cows were bred by the late Mr. George Hunter, M.H.R., and can be thoroughly relied on; Four pure-bred shorthorn calves out of the above cows – two bulls and two heifers; Four crossbred shorthorn calves; 27 head well-bred cows – heifers and steers.
Horses: Imported pedigree entire horse “Blackleg” – an A1 horse, a sure foal-getter, and a small fortune to his owner; 21 first-class draught horses, suitable for both light and heavy work. These horses are not to be surpassed; many of them cost from £40 to £50 each, and they are all in admirable condition.
Sheep: Six 7/8 Cotswold rams; can be thoroughly recommended; 1300 Cotswolds, mixed flock, ewes, and wethers; 300 Cotswold lambs.
Standing Crops &c: Seven acres splendid hay, ready for cutting; three tons new hay in shed; ten acres splendid green oats, ready for cutting in a month.
The above sale is really a special opportunity to select some first-class stock. Everything is guaranteed true to name and description. Intending buyers should leave by the 10.15 a.m. train to the Hutt, where they will find conveyances to take them to Wainuiomata free of charge, returning with them in time to catch the 6.20 p.m. train to Wellington.
Terms: Cash, or approved endorsed bills at three months, bearing interest.
Remember sale day – Thursday, 11th January 1883 at Wainuiomata.
Tags: Newspaper Sinclair