Page 1 Advertisements Column 9
WANTED, several good Bushmen, used to hill country preferred. Apply Strand Brothers, Lower Hutt.
WANTED to Purchase, Iron Saw Bench, to take about 18-inch saw. Apply Strand Brothers, Lower Hutt.
Required for the purpose of ascertaining the altitudes of the various possible sources of extended water supply.
The upcoming new Countdown supermarket will span 3600 square meters and prioritize electric vehicle charging stations.
A visit of inspection to the Wainuiomata Valley waterworks, now in course of progress by the City Corporation, was...
The Public Works Committee recommended that the City Engineer repair the damage at the Wainui Waterworks caused by the...
It is doubtful if many people in Wellington are aware that bush-felling is being earned out in the heart...
The Wainuiomata police yesterday made a breakthrough in their search for dental records to identify positively a pilot killed.
Tenders are invited till Noon, the 19th instant, for the conveyance of from 19-20 tons of Sawmill Plant from...
The tender of Messrs G. H. Bayliss & Co. has been accepted by the City Council for the construction...
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