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On the premises Wainuiomata known as Messrs J. and D. Sinclairs’. Unreserved sale of sawmill plant, steel rails, &c on Thursday 22nd February 1883 at 1.30 o’clock p.m. T. Kennedy Macdonald & Co. are favoured with instructions from A. E. Russell, Esq., to sell by public auction as above, absolutely without the least reserve the whole of the fixed plant and machinery of the Wainuiomata Sawmill as under:- Stationary engine and boiler, vertical frame and circular saw bench with fittings, planing machine and belts, about 65 tons best steel rails, as laid down on tramway. The above are in first class condition and thorough working order, the mill having only ceased working in consequence of the bankruptcy of Messrs J. and D. Sinclair. The sale presents a rare opportunity of acquiring a complete sawmill plant at a mere fraction of its real value.
Tags: Logging Newspaper Sinclair