In the Supreme Court of New Zealand – Wellington District
In the matter of “The Debtors and Creditors Act, 1876,” and of the several Acts amending the same; And in the matter of the deed of conveyance and assignment in trust for benefit of the creditors of John Sinclair and Duncan Sinclair, of Wainui-o-mata, Sawmill Proprietors – Notice is given that by deed of conveyance and assignment in trust, dated the thirteenth day of December 1882, and filed in the Supreme Court of New Zealand, at Wellington, on the sixteenth day of December 1882, and made between the above-named John Sinclair and Duncan Sinclair, carrying on business in co-partnership, under the style or firm of “J. and D. Sinclair,” thereinafter referred to as “the debtors,” of the first part, the said John Sinclair of the second part, the said Duncan Sinclair of the third part, Alexander Mackenzie, of the City of Wellington, Bank Manager, and William Richard Waters, of the same place, Commission Agent (thereinafter referred to as “the trustees”), of the fourth part, and the several persons, companies, corporations, and firms who are creditors of the debtors, as such co-partners as aforesaid, or as separate creditors of the debtors respectively of the fifth part, the said John Sinclair and Duncan Sinclair as parties thereto of the first, second and third parts, did and each of them did thereby grant, convey, and assure, assign, bargain, sell, transfer, and set over unto the trustees all their joint and several real and personal property, whatsoever and wheresoever, except as in the said provided upon and for the trusts in the said deed particularly mentioned. And notice is further given that a meeting of the joint and several creditors of the said John Sinclair and Duncan Sinclair will be held at the Supreme Court House, Wellington, on Thursday, the fourth day of January, 1883, at 2 o’clock in the afternoon, for the purpose of assenting to the said deed. Dated this 16th day of December 1882. Buckley, Stafford and Fitzherbert, Solicitors for the said John Sinclair and Duncan Sinclair
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