Evening Post 16 May 1878

Mr Clark, C.E., and the City Engineer, Mr Baird, start from town to-morrow morning, weather permitting, for Wai-nui-o-mata to examine a stream in that locality which has been recommended as very suitable as a source of extended water supply for this city. The stream in question which flows into the sea in Palliser Bay, is stated to possess ample volume and excellent quality, while it is thought that it could be brought into town at an expense very little, if at all, greater than the Koro-koro stream. The plan in that case would be to convey it by a tunnel through the hill which lies between it and the harbor, then across the Hutt valley and river by pipes into town. The distance is estimated as only about four or five miles further than the Koro-koro stream, and the watershed is Crown land.


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