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In the Exchange Land and Mercantile Auction Rooms Panama-street on Tuesday 6th February 1883 at 2 o’clock p.m. In the Estate of J. and D. Sinclair – Sale of the whole of the valuable landed estate by order of the Registrar of the Supreme Court of New Zealand, at Wellington, at the request of the Mortgagees, and under the provisions of the Conveyancing Ordinance Agreement Act 1860 and the Sales by Mortgages Act 1870. T. Kennedy Macdonald & Co. are favoured with instructions to sell by public auction, as above the whole of the valuable farm, timber lands and sheep-run at Wainuiomata, lately occupied by Messrs J. and D. Sinclair, as under:- All that Magnificent Block of Land situated in the Wainuiomata District, containing 4115 acres, more or less, comprising the following properties:
First 1399 acres, being sections 27, 28 and 29, and parts of sections 26, 67, 68, 69 and 93 on the plan of the Wainuiomata District;
Secondly 263 acres, being section 85 on the plan of the said Wainuiomata District;
Thirdly 120 acres of unsurveyed land in the Wainuiomata District, being all the land comprised in Land Receipt entered on the Provisional Register Vol 1.,
Folio 660;
Fourthly 475 acres, being sections 35, 36, 37 and 38 on the plan of the Wainuiomata District;
Fifthly 1218 acres, being sections 72 and 73, and parts of sections 67, 68 and 69 on the plan of the Wainuiomata District;
Sixthly 640 acres of unsurveyed pastoral land in the Wainuiomata District, being all the land comprised in land receipt entered on the Provincial Register Vol… Folio 427; And also all that block of.. in the Lowry Bay District comprising the following property;
Seventy 84 acres, being section No.19 on the plan of the Lowry Bay District.
The properties fourthly, fifthly, sixthly, and seventhly are subject to a first mortgage for £1500 at 10 per cent., due on the 30th September 1883. The above property is one of the most valuable contiguous to the City of Wellington. A portion of it is cleared and laid down in English grass, sufficient to carry about 3000 sheep, while the upper portion includes a large quantity of valuable timber suitable for saw-milling purposes. The streams which supply the Wainuiomata water supply of the city run through the land. In fact, the whole of the land and streams from the dam to the Government lands granted for a watershed are included in the property. This land, being part of the watershed, is generally supposed to be the property of the City Corporation, but, strange to say, has never yet been acquired by that body. For full particulars, conditions of title, &c., apply to Messrs Izard & Bell, Solicitors, Willis-street; or the the Auctioneers.
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