Evening Post 19 Jun 1878

Mr Clark and the Water Supply

The following telegram was received this afternoon by His Worship the Mayor from Mr Clark C.E.:- “Auckland, 19 June.

The Mayor, Wellington. No engagement here at present. Cannot complete report on water supply before 25th. Will it suit the views of your Council if completed in England? – W. Clark.

The Mayor referred this telegram to the City Engineer, who replied in the following memorandum:- “It will take at least 9 days to complete the information required by Mr Clark and there will be further delay in forwarding it to Auckland. – J. D. Baird.” The Mayor accordingly drew up a memorandum to the effect that it was undesirable to detain Mr Clark any longer in Auckland, as such detention would involve very serious expense.

This memorandum was signed by the Mayor, Councillors Macdonald, Allan, Moss, Maginnity, Allen, George, and Hunter, expressing approval of the proposed course, Councillors Dixon and Greenfield recording their dissent. It is understood that a telegram will be sent to Mr Clark this evening, authorizing him to complete the report in England as it would then be in ample time.


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