Evening Post 20 Apr 1878

City Council

The adjourned fortnightly meeting of the City Council was held on Thursday evening. Present the Mayor and all the Councillors excepting Councillor Moss.

The Finance Committee made an interim report. After advising that arrears of rates, not recoverable, amounting to £306, be written off, also that all rates should be struck as early as possible, and stating that a reduction in next year’s rate could not be recommended, the report proceeds:- “As it will be absolutely necessary for the Council before long to take steps to obtain from the Legislative powers to borrow another considerable sum of money for the purpose of carrying out the various important public works contemplated, viz., Te Aro reclamation, drainage, sewage, increased wharf accommodation, increased water supply, &c., the committee would strongly urge upon the Council the advisability of obtaining the services of Mr Clark in devising and laying out a scheme for a further water supply as a necessary adjunct to the drainage scheme which he is now elaborating, …


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