Important Sale of Valuable Draught Horses – Saturday 23rd April
Mr R. J. Duncan has received instructions to sell by public auction, on Saturday next, at Mr Cudby’s Family Hotel, Lower Hutt – 20 staunch heavy Draught Horses. The above are well-known, and have been in use by Mr Charles McKirdy, contractor, who has recently carted over 4000 tons of the Wainuiomata waterpipes, a great portion of them over the hill. It is impossible to procure better, or any, horses equal to these for ploughing or for any other purposes requiring heavy draught. Refreshments will be provided by Mr Cudby between the hours of 12 and 2 o’clock on Saturday, 24th April [sic]. The above is a genuine sale, and after the sale of the draught horses a few hacks and saddle horses will be sold.
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