Evening Post 20 Nov 1883

City Council

Messrs Buckley, Stafford, and Fitzherbert wrote on behalf of the trustees of Messrs Sinclair, claiming £100 damages for the illegal seizure and detention of a steam locomotive. The City Engineer reported that the Mayor directed him to seize the engine, it being believed that it belonged to McGrath, the contractor for the Te Aro Reclamation. The removal was carefully done, and the engine sustained no damage whatever. Afterward it was found that no transfer had taken place, and the Town Clerk informed the trustees that the Corporation would either take it back to the place where it was seized or it might remain at the Corporation yard. Mr Waters said it might as well remain where it was, and it did so until about a fortnight ago when it was taken away to be used on the Te Aro Reclamation. It was resolved that the letter be acknowledged.


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