Mr Clark, C.E., and the City Engineer were occupied yesterday in examining the various streams and springs on the Wadestown side of the city, including a branch of the lower Kaiwarra stream, but they found nothing which fulfilled all the requirements of the case. Mr Clark started again to-day for Wainui-o-mata, with some men to construct a temporary weir across the stream about two miles above Mr Sinclair’s mill for the purpose of accurately gauging the volume and flow of water. The weir will be built of timber in the usual way adopted for such a purpose. A similar weir also has been constructed on the Korokoro stream.
The one at Wainui-o-mata will take probably several days to construct owing to the large size of the stream. Some further observations as to altitude also will be taken by barometer, but the accurate height will be ascertained so soon as possible by leveling. So far, the choice among the various eligible sources from which an extended water supply may be obtainable appears to be among the Wainui-o-mata, the Korokoro, and the South Karori streams; but a large amount of additional information will be required before Mr Clark will be in a position to make an authoritative report recommending the adoption of one or other of the plans indicated. This information necessarily will take a considerable time to procure.
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