Evening Post 25 Apr 1878

We have very much pleasure in announcing that arrangements have been made for Mr Clark, C.E., to furnish the City Council with a report on the best available means of extending and augmenting the water supply of this city. Mr Clark, with the City Engineer, Mr Baird, will leave town to-morrow afternoon, going by rail to Kaitoke, and proceeding thence by road to Pakuratahi, which will be the limit of their journey.

Taking the Pakuratahi River and its tributaries as the most distant point from which it would be practicable to bring water into town, Messrs Clark & Baird will work back to town by degrees, making a careful survey of each river or stream which appears at all likely to prove suitable for the purpose. The elevation of the stream, volume and quality of the water, &c., will be tested, and the question whether it would be advisable to bring the water into town by aqueducts, pipes, flumes, or otherwise, will receive due consideration, as also the practicability of the country through which the aqueduct, &c., would pass for the purpose, and the best route to be taken. We are very much pleased to be able to state that this important and most necessary step has been taken so promptly.


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