Messrs Bethune and Hunter’s sale of horses yesterday was much impeded by the rain, but most of the stock offered fetched good prices, ranging from £32 to £57, several being quitted at the latter figure. The stallion Young Blackleg did not bring so high a price as was anticipated, probably owing to so many of that class of horses having been in the market lately. He was sold for £60, Messrs J. and D. Sinclair, of Wainuiomata, being the purchasers. All that fine shipment of horses imported by Messrs Bethune and Hunter per s.s. Otago now has been disposed of at very satisfactory rates.
Tags: Logging Newspaper SinclairEvening Post 27 Aug 1874
Evening Post 05 Jan 1883
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Important to Sheep Farmers, Agriculturalists, Dairymen, Carters and Others. Absolute Unreserved Sale of Pure-bred Stock &c.
Evening Post 07 Feb 1883
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Sale of a farm, timber lands, and sheep-run, at Wainui-o-mata, in the estate of Messrs J. and D. Sinclair,...
Evening Post 07 Oct 1880
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For the formation of the tram-line and race-track for the Wainui-o-mata waterworks. For clearing the site for the reservoir...
Evening Post 16 May 1878
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For Wai-nui-o-mata to examine a stream in that locality which has been recommended as very suitable as a source...
Kiwi Population in Wainuiomata Expanding Rapidly
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In a significant win for conservation, the kiwi population has expanded from Wainuiomata to Whitemans Valley in Upper Hutt....
Homedale Aerial in 1941
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This aerial photograph of Homedale in Wainuiomata taken on 16 of January 1941 shows a number of interesting features.
Evening Post 25 Aug 1909
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Yesterday's trip to the big reservoir was made under the perfect conditions of a bright sun and a soft...
Evening Post 16 Feb 1883
/ / History, News / 0
That the Council form a road from the mills to the proposed reservoir, the road to be formed on...
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