Evening Post 28 Jan 1887

With reference to the recent complaints as to the sudden stoppage of the Wainui-o-mata water supply, the City Surveyor explained, in his report to the Council last evening, that notice would have been given to householders in the usual manner as to the stoppage on Saturday last, but that the first intimation received in the city as to the burst was given by the water cutting itself off… In connection with the discussion of water supply matters at the meeting of the City Council last evening, Councillor Richardson asked whether anything had yet been done towards giving effect to the proposal made by him some months ago, as to obtaining telephonic communication between the city and the Wainui-o-mata dam. The Assistant Town Clerk said that no reply had yet been vouchsafed by Government to the Council’s request that the telephone line should be extended. Coucillor Petherick intimated his intention of moving, unless somebody else took the initiative, that steps be taken towards obtaining communication by telephone with the damkeeper’s residence. In reply to Councillor Young, the Mayor said that no further information relative to the land in the vicinity of the Wainui dam which was recently offered for sale had yet come under
his notice.


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