Evening Post 29 Apr 1884

Water Supply – To the Editor

Sir – … The two-foot flume was adopted on the report of the City Engineer, and was the only one that could be carried in the Council. Mr Saunders roughly estimated the cost of a foot flume at £100; but declined to do the work. The City Engineer estimated the erection of a two foot flume at £220, but allowed nothing for its maintenance. Mr Saunders, much against his will, as he did not want the job, offered to do it for £300, to maintain it until the completion of the dam, and to hold the Council harmless of any possible damage that may occur during the interval. The work has already been commenced, and Mr Saunders has promised to use the utmost expedition. Although 14 days have been allowed to complete the work, it is more than probable that it may be effected in a shorter time. Of this I am certain, that if Mr Saunders cannot do the work expeditiously, with his large and efficient staff of workmen, there is no other person in the place who can… My only regret is that the water was not brought in from the Wainui-o-mata two months ago, as it would have saved a large amount of inconvenience to the inhabitants, and at the same time increased the revenues of the city. I am, &c., Thomas McKenzie.


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