Evening Post 31 Mar 1910


A fire broke out at Strand Brothers’ sawmill and workshop, Lower Hutt, early yesterday morning. The whole of the workshop, which included some valuable machinery and tools, was burnt to the ground. The Hutt Volunteer Fire Brigade was quickly on the scene, but all they could do was to endeavour to save the house and the adjoining houses, which were occupied by Mr. W. Strand, sen., and Mr. P. H. Gosse. The fire had gained such a hold that Mr. Gosse deemed it advisable to remove the whole of his furniture. The mill and workshops were partly covered by insurance, but there was none on the machinery or tools. In the workshops, a lot of joinery was also destroyed. Mr. Gosse’s house was covered by insurance (£400), as was his furniture. Mr. Strand, sen., had his fruit trees and a large quantity of apples damaged.


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