Evening Post Friday 23 Jan 1880


Tararua ss, 563 tons, Muir, from Melbourne via South. Passengers cabin: from Melbourne – Miss Douglass, Mrs Ogden, Messrs Shallcross, Bartlett, Stackleton, Dunn, Darrell & Gorst; 23 steerage; from coast – Misses Browne Holmden, Weston, Coates, Muir, Mesdames Broxrie, Smith, Benjamin, Aikman, Dr Hector, Hon. M. Holmes, Messrs Baker, Didsbury, Browne, Grant, King, Mendleson, Bowhser, Ellison, Smith, Benjamin, Gamuiell, Aikman, Cummings, Strike, Wood and Butler; 21 steerage. Passengers bound for Auckland via East Coast:- Cabin – Misses Owen, Hinchliff, Murdock, Mesdames Clark, Brishell, Mr and Mrs Hinchliff, Messrs Brown, Adams, Cegan, Mendelshon, Aikman, Hinchliff, Murdock, Jessop and Gavin; 10 steerage.

Arrived in harbor at 9 o’clock this morning. Reports leaving Melbourne at 1.30pm on the 13th, and arrived at Hobart Town at 1pm on the 15th; left again at 5.30pm and arrived at the Bluff at 1pm on the 19th; sailed at 5.30pm, and arrived at Port Chalmers at 6am on the 20th; sailed at 3.30pm on the 21st and arrived at Lyttelton at 10am on the 22nd; sailed at 4pm and arrived here as above. She sailed for Auckland via the East Coast this afternoon.


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