The ordinary fortnightly meeting of the City Council was held last night. Present were His Worship the Mayor, and Councillors Banks, Allen, Miller, Logan, Maginnity, Thompson, S. Brown, McKenzie, Greenfield, A. W. Brown, Diver, and Newman.
The following tenders were received:
- Lease of Town Belt Reserve, No. 38: three tenders were submitted, with Mr E. Looks’ offer of £6 being accepted.
- Purchase of old iron: three tenders were submitted, with Messrs Luke, Son, and Williams’ offer being the highest and accepted.
- Wainuiomata Tunnel: six tenders were submitted, with Mr D. Sinclair’s offer, being the lowest, accepted.
Councillor Banks suggested that, as the Council would soon have such a large supply of water at its disposal, every encouragement should be given to the Australian Sugar Company to establish works in Wellington. Councillor Newman stated that it was no use taking any steps now, as the company had already secured a site in Auckland.
The Council rose at 9:05 p.m.
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