New Zealand Times 30 Jan 1880

City Council

A special meeting of the City Council was held last evening, for the purpose of considering the report of the committee appointed at the last meeting… The committee beg to report that they have examined the various tenders, and find that the total amount for each tender is as follows:- R. Laidlaw and Son, £68,684 5s 9d; J. and A. Anderson for McLaren, Alley and Co. £70,463 8s 3d; W. Dawson and Co. for McEwen and Co. £74,673 7s 9d; McKin non and Tannahill £74,879 11s; Levin and Co., for D. and W. Robertson £77,500. They therefore recommend that the lowest be accepted… It was stated that the committee had gone carefully over the whole of the figures. The report was put and adopted unanimously. Some conversation took place on the Councillors paying a visit to the Wainuiomata Springs, and one or two of the Councillors remarked that the suggestion was a very good one, one of the Councillors agreeing that this would be so if the ratepayers were willing to pay the expenses…


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