Wainuiomata: News
Wainuiomata news updates and historical articles encompassing information on reserves, parks, rivers, trails, waterworks, infrastructure, and general history.
A prospector named Cooper reports finding encouraging quartz prospects at Wainuiomata. Gold has frequently been reported.
Gold is reported as having been found in encouraging prospects in the Wainuiomata, near Wellington - Wanganui Herald.
The City Engineer presented his reports on the alternative schemes for an extended water supply from Wai-nui-o-mata or Karori....
Rechristened the “Morton Dam” in recognition of the city engineer, under whose guidance the work has been carried out.
The Wainui-o-mata is estimated to yield 15,000,000 gallons daily. The Karori stream, which would be conveyed by a tunnel...
Mr Clark, C.E., has asked the Corporation to have his reports on the water supply printed in London and...
The body of the man recently found drowned near the mouth of the Otaki River has been found and...
Councillor Dixon requests us to state that he signed the memorandum in reference to Mr Clark’s telegram, yesterday, by...
The following telegram was received this afternoon by His Worship the Mayor from Mr Clark C.E.:- “Auckland, 19 June.
Mr Clark started again to-day for Wainui-o-mata, with some men to construct a temporary weir across the stream about...
To the Editor of the Evening Post. Sir, With reference to an article which appeared in your issue of...
Mr Clark, C.E., and the City Engineer, Mr Baird, returned from Wainui-o-mata last night. The result of their expedition...
We mentioned yesterday that Mr Clark, C.E., and the City Engineer were about to proceed to Wainui-o-mata today to...
For Wai-nui-o-mata to examine a stream in that locality which has been recommended as very suitable as a source...
Mr Clark, C.E., and the City Engineer have decided that as the work preparatory to the publication of the...
Mr Clark, C.E., and the City Engineer, Mr Baird, returned last evening from their expedition in search of an...
Required for the purpose of ascertaining the altitudes of the various possible sources of extended water supply.
We have very much pleasure in announcing that arrangements have been made for Mr Clark, C.E., to furnish the...
Sir William Fitzherbert to sell by public auction, several valuable allotments of land on the Wainuiomata Estate.
The Finance Committee made an interim report. After advising that arrears of rates, not recoverable, amounting to £306, be...