Mount Crowther Track Water Tanks

Tanks on the Mount Crowther Track - 2023 - ©

Looking at two hidden tanks on the track to Crowther Trig in the year 2023. It is not currently known if these two tanks were fed by the Skerretts Creek Catchment or if they were connected to the WCC supply. It is also not known where the water was delivered to. It could have been a private supply for a property below the hill or perhaps it linked in with the Skerretts Creek pipeline.

The tanks aren’t completely concealed from public view, yet they’re easy to miss if you’re strolling along the path towards Crowther Trig. To spot them, you’ll have to venture slightly off the beaten path into the bush. They are situated close to an old gate that was previously employed to restrict access to the track.

Two more tanks are located nearby on a track below.


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