Sinclair Property & Homes

Hine Road, Sunny Grove, Whitcher Grove Area Aerial Photo - 1954 - License: LINZ CC-BY 4.0

Image sourced from LINZ Data Service and is licensed for reuse under the CC BY 4.0 licence.

Aerial and ground based images showing the property and homes belonging to the Sinclair family.

A gallery of aerial photographs from 1941, 1942, and 1954 reveal up to four homes previously owned by the Sinclair family. The Sinclair Cemetery is also visible, but it is hard to discern unless you know its exact location. The photos show, Glenhill, Northbrook, Moness, and Sinclair House with only Sinclair House still standing today.

In the aerial photos, Glenhill is located within a rectangle perimeter where Willis Grove is located today. Northbrook has a circular front yard and was located on Whitcher Grove today. Moness is marked by a perimeter of trees that form a rough square shape located within Richard Prouse Park today. Sinclair House is located about midway along Hine Road and still exists today.

Other photos of homes belonging to the Sinclair family and located on their large property can be seen in the image gallery below.


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