Swing Bridge Pool in Wainuiomata

Swingbridge Pool - 2024 - © wainuiomata.net
Swingbridge Pool as the name suggests, is located near a swing bridge. It’s also known as Ford Pool due to its proximity to a ford that provides passage across the Wainuiomata River.

Swingbridge Pool, also known as Ford Pool, is situated along the Gums Loop Track, close to the swing bridge and a ford. The Mackay Cottage site is also closeby. The pool offers a pleasant spot for swimming with a grass path leading from the Gums Loop Track directly to the location. There’s is a wooden bench (seats and table) at the end of the track, making it an ideal location for a picnic on the river’s edge.

In the early 1970s, children from the nearby Sunny Grove area would occasionally swim here, albeit quietly, as the water board frowned upon swimming near the water catchment, which at that time encompassed the lower dam area. Adjacent to the pool was a cottage (likely Mackay Cottage), likely used as a weekend or holiday retreat, with tenants likely having permission to be there. Therefore, swimming here necessitated discretion, as being too noisy might result in being asked to leave.

Today, public access extends up to the Lower Dam, making the pool accessible to all. However, it remains relatively unpopular for swimming, possibly due to the small yet steep bank required to enter the water. Nonetheless, it remains a pleasant area for swimming, although not deep enough for diving.


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