Wetlands Near Gums Loop Meadow

Gums Lopp Wetlands - 2022 - © wainuiomata.net
This natural wetland area is near the eucalypt forest on the Gums Loop Walk.

Pre-settlement and before the earthquake of 1855, much of Wainuiomata was wetlands or swamp. It probably looked something like this small wetlands area pictured. In fact, one wonders if the reason the gum trees were planted in the meadow on the current Gums Loop Track was to dry the land out. Eucalyptus trees are recognized for their ability to thrive in damp environments. Occasionally, strategic placement of these trees occurs in marshy areas to assist in land drainage. There have been cases where extensive eucalyptus plantings were deliberately carried out in wetlands, like the Florida Everglades, aiming to reduce the water content and dry out the land.


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