McKerrow Ridge Track

McKerrow Ridge Track offers a useful connection to McKerrow Track, Mt Crowther Track, and Wainui Camp.

Old McKerrow Track - 2024 - ©

McKerrow Ridge Track, also known as Old McKerrow Track, is an original segment of the McKerrow Track that was later rerouted to connect with the Whakanui Track. Although this walk is not well maintained, red tags on some trees help guide hikers and prevent them from straying off the path. In addition to serving as a baiting track, it provides a useful shortcut between McKerrow Track and Mt Crowther Track. The track also connects to the Boys Brigade Camp via Bivy Track, which descends to the camp where there is basic or emergency accommodation and access out to Coast Road.

Prior to the creation of Sunny Grove Firebreak Track / Mt Crowther Track in the 1960s, the original McKerrow Track had access from the Coast Road near the Burden Avenue intersection where a small stream flows down a small gully north of Coast Road Church. The track ascended Crowther Peak, then extended southeastward across various ridges before turning south. It followed the crest of McKerrow Ridge and concluded with two different routes descending to the Five Mile Track, now known as the Orongorongo Track.


Special thanks to Jeremy Foster for some information in this article.
Special thanks to Lance Stewart for some information in this article.

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