Spear Cut Track

Spear Cut Track was a former firebreak. It starts at the top of Willis Grove and goes to Mt Crowther Trig.

Waterworks Valley View from Spear Cut Track - 2024 - © wainuiomata.net

Spear Cut Track starts at the top of Willis Grove and heads into the Harry Todd Recreation Reserve. Instead of taking Harry Todd Track, opt for the smaller path or firebreak to the left, which is Spear Cut Track. This firebreak/track has been around for many decades and may have originally been a forestry track from the 1850s – 1860s, when the hill was first logged.

Spear Cut Track with both firebreak and smaller path- 2024 - © wainuiomata.netThe track features a narrow trail with small stones on top, running parallel to a wider firebreak that was likely used for logging operations when many pines were culled on this hillside in 2012. It seems the walking track has been adjusted to accommodate mountain bikes, but it remains suitable for walking.

The track can be somewhat steep in places as it climbs a high hill, offering some scenic, though partially obscured, views of Reservoir Valley and the mountain range on the odd-numbered side of Sunny Grove. Eventually, the track reaches Mt Crowther Trig, connecting to the much wider and better maintained Mt Crowther Track. From the trig, you can turn left on Mt Crowther Track to reach the top of Sunny Grove, or turn right on the same track to head down to Hine Road. There are also options to link to other tracks from Mt Crowther Track.

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