The City Council and the Reform Association – A Lively Discussion
At the meeting of the City Council last night, a deputation from the Reform Association, consisting of Messrs Quin, J. Petford, S. Dawson, J. Petherick, W. Andrews, J. White, C. Hendrey, and Captain Stafford, waited on the Corporation in order to express their views on municipal engineering and other topics.
Mr Petherick referred to Mr Baird’s career from his appointment and said that he never knew that gentleman had had any previous training as a civil engineer, although he knew he had been a surveyor under the Provincial Government. Mr Petherick contended that the drainage right through the town was an utter failure.
He then went on to criticize at some length the engineering in connection with the Wainui-o-mata waterworks, especially contending that the long tunnel now being constructed was unnecessary. If a long train could go round a hill, it ought to be possible to carry water pipes round also.
Mr Quin, interrupting, urged Mr Petherick to keep to the drainage, remarking that they had not come there to talk about the waterworks. (Laughter.)
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