Evening Post 06 Nov 1878

The City Engineer, Mr Baird, has just completed the plans and sections of the two alternative schemes suggested by Mr Clark for an extended water supply. The two sources finally decided upon by Mr Clark as the most eligible were , it will be remembered, the Karori and Wainui-o-mata streams respectively, and some very satisfactory preliminary tests were made, a reserve of the watershed also being applied for. Since Mr Clark’s departure Mr Baird has had all the necessary plans, sections, &c., prepared, to be forwarded to Mr Clark in order that he may prepare a complete report on the subject.

These plans will be laid before the Waterworks Committee of the City Council at a meeting to be held to-morrow, and if the committee approve they will be sent to Mr Clark by the outgoing mail. The Wainui-o-mata is estimated to yield 15,000,000 gallons daily. The Karori stream, which would be conveyed by a tunnel about a mile and a half long from South Makara into the large reservoir, their being an ample fall, is calculated to afford 1,300,000 gallons daily, or more than double the present supply, therefore probably would suffice for many years, while its cost would be only about one-tenth of the Wainui-o-mata scheme.


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