Evening Post 08 Nov 1878

City Council

The City Council met yesterday afternoon as a Waterworks Committee. Present – The Mayor, Councillors Maginnity, Fisher, Hunter, Greenfield, and Miller.

The City Engineer presented his reports on the alternative schemes for an extended water supply from Wai-nui-o-mata or Karori. We have a very full summary of this report several days ago. A long discussion took place as to whether Mr Baird’s reports should be forwarded to Mr Clark, C.E., for his advice as to which of the two plans should be adopted.

Some of the Councillors contended that the resolution previously passed by the Council was to this effect, but the majority held that it was intended only to obtain some general advice on the matter from Mr Clark while he was detained in Wellington pending the printing of his Drainage Report, and that it was not contemplated that an elaborate scheme should be devised by him. Mr Baird, on being asked whether either of his plans could be carried out with the professional skill obtainable locally, replied in the affirmative, adding that the only question proposed to be submitted to Mr Clark was, which of the two alternative schemes was the preferable one to adopt.

It was resolved, on the motion of Councillor Fisher, that the City Surveyor report on the alternative plans, and furnish estimates of their respective cost. It was decided that the question as to what sum should be paid Mr Clark for his past services in connection with the water supply extension, should be referred to the Council. The Committee then adjourned.


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