Evening Post 12 Jun 1928

Two Men Missing

On Sunday morning three young married men, Jack Burns, Mervyn Hodgkinson, and Clarence Poynter, left Petone on a shooting expedition at the back of the Wainui reservoir. During the day Burns followed his dog down a gully after a goat, which he secured. When he came back his two mates had disappeared. After searching for them for some time he returned home under the impression that they were ahead of him, but found that they were not. Since then nothing has been seen of them. It is understood that the young men had neither food nor matches, and were not equipped for bad weather. Poynter, however, is well acquainted with the country, having traversed it many times in the last eight years. Constable Macnamara and Burns were out searching all day yesterday, but according to a telephone message received this morning had found nothing. Three more parties have set out to try and locate the missing men.


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