Fire at Lower Hutt
From Constable Mackay, the officer in charge of the Lower Hutt station, Mr. Superintendent Shearman received a telegram early this morning, stating that some outhouses and a haystack, belonging to Mr. Daniel West, at Waiwetu, had been destroyed by fire last night.
On the premises were found a pair of trousers and a vest, which have been traced to a man named Hargraves. This person has been taken into custody on suspicion of being concerned in the affair, and Detective Chrystal has proceeded to the spot to prosecute further enquiries as to the circumstances attending the fire.
The buildings were insured in the Liverpool, London, and Globe office for £500. The insurance is divided as follows: £300 on the dwelling-house, £50 on the furniture, and £150 on the out-buildings. Mr. West estimates his loss considerably above the insurance; the value of the haystack destroyed alone amounted to about £150.
The dwelling-house was saved with great difficulty, the water having to be pumped from a small well in the yard. Hargraves was brought to town this afternoon and will be charged at the R.M. Court to-morrow with setting fire to the property. He has latterly been employed as a navvy in connection with the Wainuiomata waterworks tunnel.
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